It's time to promote District 6!

Notice where the major manufacturing and industry jobs are located in Alabama….now notice where they are NOT!  Nothing has come into District 6!

If we as employees did not do our jobs  for 20 years, we would be fired!

It is time to fire the 20 year, Career Politician of District 6, and elect a life-time public servant whose sole reason for running for congress is to serve and support the people of District 6.

It’s time to promote District 6. It’s time to vote for Penny Bailey.

Penny's thoughts on key issues

Jobs and Economy:

In Washington D.C., the people who are talking about creating jobs already have true fortune casino login paying jobs. So who’s speaking up for those who don’t have jobs? Small businesses that rely on people with jobs to buy their goods and services? Farmers who can’t get their produce to market? I pledge to be a voice for them! My family flourished through the hard work and dedication of my parents. My father has owned his own small business for nearly 40 years, and my mother has worked as a teller in local banks. Our small town of Leeds, Alabama has many successful small businesses; however, today there is an excessive amount of taxation, legislation, and inflation that threaten their continued survival just like many communities in Alabama's District 6.

The only way I can see a good jobs bill that will really work, is to take those 3 steps across the aisle in the US House of Representatives, extend a hand of trust and willingness to people in other parties, and work shoulder-to-shoulder to attack the serious problems of joblessness. The American people are hard-working, dedicated people who don’t want a hand-out, but sometimes need a helping hand to get up. The American people deserve representatives who truly care about them, and will work to serve the people! The strength of America relies on a strong middle-class; I will work to ensure our middle-class continues to grow through opportunities and entrepreneurships. And, I will do all I can to decrease their tax burdens and regulations that hinder their growth. The strength of America is in her people. They deserve representatives that will serve them! I promise to be that voice in Washington along with my strong values and the good common sense to make the right decisions for my district and it’s people.


I have never met a teacher who chose education as a career that was in it for the money!  Instead, every educator I have met considered it a desire or a calling.  Talking with them, they believe America's future is our children.  And, they believe in our country and our children so much they are willing to dedicate their lives for the advancement of both.  

When my children were in high school, I wanted to do something to let their teachers know how much they were appreciated.  So, I worked with the school secretary to develop special events program during Teacher Appreciation Week.  We asked various restaurants to donate lunch or a snack one day of the week, and provided decorated boxes around the school with paper for the kids to write a quick "thank you" note to their favorite teachers.  However, what happened saddened me.  Only one restaurant brought food, and less than 20 students of almost 5,000 wrote a note...not all of which were nice.

So, now I ask myself why they are still in this profession. It’s obvious they are not in education to get rich. My only answer is this has to be a calling because of their passion and dedication to teaching our young people how to become good citizens as well as tomorrow’s leaders. It’s apparent to me; they must have a deep inner desire to make a positive difference, even if it is for only one child.
Recently, I met a gentleman by the name of John.  He told me his wife is a teacher at an inner city school where they have no books for their children, and they don't even have paper to make enough copies for study sheets.  How are our children supposed to learn and lead our country in just a few years if they don’t have the proper learning tools now?
Throwing money at a problem never is the right answer.  We must all get involved in our local Boards of Education, meet with the teachers, develop a long term plan, and provide the proper tools our teachers and future leaders need.  Each community must come together in an effort to make schools better for their children and in-turn for our country. So, next time you see a teacher or have the opportunity to say a kind word, please do it.

Let's all reach out to each other, to our children, and to our communities. Remember; when you give a smile, you usually get one in return. Education is without question one of important issues in this campaign. When I’m elected to represent you in District 6, I will continue to push for better education standards in our state while working toward improving our schools systems and making sure that every student has access to better tools to prepare them properly for tomorrow’s challenges!


Immigration affects every person in America, and there are no quick and easy answers. But, one thing is certain; this issue can no longer be ignored. It is time for our leaders to build a comprehensive program that will work, and lead to a stronger America.

Currently, our system makes employers - criminals, our police - border patrol agents, and, our teachers – police officers. With modern technology, and building a comprehensive system, we can make immigration work for everyone.

Here are steps I believe we need to take:

First, reinforce our borders. The defense of this country is specifically stated in our Constitution as the responsibility of the federal government. However, I believe each state has the right to govern themselves. Our federal government should work in conjunction with our states to ensure the protection of America.

Secondly, we should use technology to develop a national program that allows people to file for work visas, and receive a decision within 6 weeks of their application. These work visas should be good for 5 years. At that time, they will have had time to become a legal American citizen, if they chose. Otherwise, they should return to their home country for a minimum of one year.

Third, once we have a national filing system in place, we need to offer illegal immigrants a 12 month grace period that allows them to legally document their presence. After that, if they are found to be in America illegally, they should be immediately deported and not allowed to re-enter the USA.

The ‘American Dream’ is a phrase known and understood around the world. I’ve never heard of the British Dream, the French Dream, the China Dream, etc. No, it is only the “American Dream” that the world knows about and is envious of. How fortunate we are to be able to live it, because our ancestors dared to dream. We have ranchers, farmers, construction owners, and more who need temporary laborers. Migrant workers are willing to do the hard work of keeping our roads paved, our food harvested, and more. They will pay taxes, rent homes, buy cars, and be allowed to be productive members of our communities. With a work visa system that functions accurately, everyone will benefit.

My position on guns:

I agree with the US Constitution and the Second Amendment. In the military, we had to learn to use our weapons to save our own life and the lives of others. Personally, I like guns and one of our favorite family past-times is to go target shooting. We are responsible gun owners and have taught our children to be responsible, as well. However, there are too many people with too many guns that don’t know how or when to use them. That’s just part of the problem.  

I think any criminal who commits a violent crime using a gun should get a lengthy automatic incarceration. And, I think if you own a gun or if somebody in your family owns a gun, they need to be responsible and know how to use it for what it was made for. Gun owners should be responsible citizens. For the safety of Americans, I do not think criminals and mentally unstable people should be allowed to purchase guns.

I totally and completely support the Second Amendment and agree with Thomas Jefferson when he said: "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Likewise, Walter Mondale reminded us in 1994 that: "Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them."

Pro Israel:

As a military member, I know Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East Region and that strategically it is important for us to support them. As an Air Force officer, one of my assignments allowed me the distinct privilege of working with Israel to develop and advance our aircraft and weapon system simulation. Israel is well ahead of us in the computer simulation field, and they worked with my unit to help improve our simulator training. And as a Christian, I believe it is our Christian duty to support and protect Israel.


Pro Life:

Many people "say" they are pro-life, but I believe actions speak louder than words. We have three children who are now adults. We taught them that if they made one mistake, not make it worse by considering abortion. Fortunately, we did not have to face this decision. In our family, "Adoption is the option" as we have 3 generations of adoption: my father, two cousins and our oldest daughter. Additionally, our family believes in volunteering and our children have/currently are working for "Save A Life" and "The Crisis Center-Rape Response". When elected, I will continue to take a strong stand for life!


The reasons are many when it comes to the incumbent who is a career Washington politician. Recently, it was leaked that Mr. Bachus is now under an internal investigation for his insider trading. Besides, Spencer Bachus is NOT the conservative he is espousing to be!

Actions speak louder than words…below are just some of the ACTIONS Spencer Bachus has taken proves he DOES side with liberal spending in Washington D.C.

1. Spencer Bachus co-sponsored the Global Poverty Act. Cost To Tax-payers: $845 Billion Dollars to be given to the United Nations. (This bill did not pass the Senate, but thanks to Spencer Bachus…it did pass the House!) See the following web links:

  • H.R. 1302: Global Poverty Act of 2007
  • Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
  • The Wrong Track for U.S. Aid Policy

2. Spencer Bachus co-sponsored The Jubilee Act. Cost to Tax-payers: $980 Million Dollars designated for African Nations. (Thank goodness this bill remains in committee and has not passed.) See the following web links:

  • The Jubilee Act
  • Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation of 2009

3. Spencer Bachus co-sponsored Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Cost to Tax-payers: $ 700 Billion Dollars given to bailout designated Banks and Financial Institutions. Additionally, Spencer Bachus received campaign contributions from the banks and financial institutions that received the TARP Bailout Money. See the following web links:

  • H.R. 1424: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
  • Troubled Asset Relief Program
  • Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
  • TARP and the Treasury: Time to Allow Markets to Work
  • Conservatives replaced Bachus in the lead on regulatory overhaul


4. Spencer Bachus co-sponsored the Education for All Act (2007) Proposed Cost to Tax-payers: $3 Billion Dollars for improving facilities, training teachers, providing lunch programs and empowering foreign countries that are placing a priority on education. This money was projected to poor nations and not to education programs in the United States. (Fortunately, this bill did not pass—no thanks to Spencer Bachus, though!) See the following web links:

  • The Education for All Act
  • H.R. 2092: Education for All Act of 2007

Total Cost to the American Tax-payer for only these 4 bills co-sponsored by Spencer Bachus: $1,548,980,000,000.00

That's: 1 Trillion, 548 Billion, 980 Million Dollars!

Insider trading set-aside, the American taxpayer cannot afford two more years of Spencer Bachus in Congress! I will honestly and faithfully represent the Alabama taxpayer and NOT frivolously spend your hard earned tax dollars.



My bottom-line is that in no way would I vote for any legislation that would take away the rights and freedoms of American citizens

Paid for by The Committee To Elect Penny Bailey for Congress.